SHARK an Engineering Solution Provider in HVAC & POWER including IT related services & solutions with various products of different brand originated from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and Asia. SHARK Ltd provides Original Branded products, better services, and solutions. Thewell trained and highlyskilled persons of Engineering and IT solution solvesClients requirements efficiently in this field. SHARK Ltd is also a data center consulting firm and Turnkey solution provider, having local and foreign experts and experienced personnel offering a broad range of project experience, specializing in designing data centers, computer rooms and technical spaces that integrate, best of breed, critical infrastructure technologies and result in continuously available, scalable, redundant, fault tolerant manageable mission critical environment. Facing any kind of problems in this field, SHARK Ltd might be knocked.
Not Only Is Shark’s Service Department Always There When You Need Them, Shark Ensures Most Affordable Service Rates And Spare Parts Pricing In The Industry.
Not Only Is Shark’s Service Department Always There When You Need Them, Shark Ensures Most Affordable Service Rates And Spare Parts Pricing In The Industry.
Not Only Is Shark’s Service Department Always There When You Need Them, Shark Ensures Most Affordable Service Rates And Spare Parts Pricing In The Industry.
SHARK an Engineering Solution Provider in HVAC & POWER including IT related services & solutions with various products of different brand originated from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and Asia. SHARK Ltd provides Original Branded products, better services, and solutions.
Address: Suit- C, 13th Floor, Concord Center Point, 14/A & 31/A Tejkunipara, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Telephone: +88-02-41024549-51, +88-02-41024553-56, +88-02-41024557
Fax: +88-0241024552